Verdens Skove rainforest certificate megascops

Rainforest certificate
Section of watercolour planche
Birds of Brazil

Verdens Skove
Wildlife and forest conservation

Buy the megascops rainforest certificate from Verdens Skove Webshop – and support their work for wildlife and forest conservation

Verdens Skove megascops poster

Megascops poster
Sections of watercolour planches
Birds of Brazil

Verdens Skove
Wildlife and forest conservation

Buy the megascops poster from Verdens Skove Webshop – and support their work for wildlife and forest conservation

Verdens Skove rainforest certificate potoo

Rainforest certificate
Watercolour 21×30 cm

Verdens Skove
Wildlife and forest conservation

Buy the potoo rainforest certificate from Verdens Skove Webshop – and support their work for wildlife and forest conservation

Verdens Skove rainforest certificate snowcap

Rainforest certificate
Watercolour 21×30 cm

Verdens Skove
Wildlife and forest conservation

Buy the snowcap rainforest certificate from Verdens Skove Webshop – and support their work for wildlife and forest conservation

Verdens Skove rainforest certificate king vulture

Rainforest certificate
Watercolour 21×30 cm

Verdens Skove
Wild life and forest conservation

Buy the king vulture rainforest certificate from Verdens Skove Webshop – and support their work for wildlife and forest conservation

Nias birds

Living Treasure of Nias
Illustrations for poster
Campaign for conserving
Nias song birds in the wild

Nias Heritage Museum
Vogelpark Marlow

Lodbjerg Fyr fallen birds

Lodbjerg Fyr commission
Large format watercolour
Fallen birds

Nationalpark Thy

Invasive pattedyr og fugle

Invasive pattedyr og fugle
Illustrations for poster
Campaign against invasive species


Verdens Skove carrion fauna poster

Temperate carrion fauna
Illustration for poster
Watercolour 70 x 100 cm

Verdens Skove
Wild life and forest conservation

VILDSVIN Sus scrofa. GRÆVLING Meles meles. KONGEØRN Aquila chrysaetos. HAVØRN Haliaeetus albicilla. ULV Canis lupus. RAVN Corvus corax. GULDSJAKAL Canis aureus. GÅSEGRIB Gyps fulvus. HUSSKADE Pica pica. ALLIKE Corvus monedula. RØD RÆV Vulpes vulpes. RØD GLENTE Milvus milvus. MUSVÅGE Buteo buteo. RØDHALS Erithacus rubecula. GRØN SPYFLUE Lucilia sericata. RØDBRYSTET ÅDSELSBILLE Oiceoptoma thoracicum. MUSVIT Parus major. RYNKET ÅDSELBILLE Thanatophilus rugosus. SKOVMUS Apodemus sylvaticus. MADDIKE. SKRÆKROVBILLE Creophilus maxillosus. ADMIRAL Vanessa atalanta. LIGRØVER Necrodes littoralis. KRUMBENET ÅDSELGNAVER Nicrophorus vespillo. FLÆSKEKLANNER Dermestes lardarius. IRIS Apatura iris. DE HVIDE C Polygonia c-album. SORT ÅDSELGRAVER Nicrophorus humator. LILLE KEJSERROVBILLE Staphylinus erythropterus.

Buy the carrion fauna poster from Verdens Skove Webshop – and support their work for wildlife and forest conservation

DOF Commission

DOF Commission
Large format
watercolour diptych
240 x 153 cm sheets

Dansk Ornitologisk Forening